Empowering the next generation of leaders at HBCUs through Faith
We are seeking to influence a multiplying and mobilizing discipleship ministry, of Biblical and evangelistic leaders, on every Historic Black Campus in America!

Our mission is to develop Christ-centered leaders who will influence the world.
“...And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, 'All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.' Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations..."
(Matthew 28: 18-19)

James Williams (Founder)
“James Williams has served as an ordained PCA teaching elder for over thirty years. In 2020, he was called jointly by the PCA Mission to North America and the Southeast Alabama Presbytery to the role of Evanglist. He founded the Center for Urban Renewal and Evangelism (CURE). They seek to develop biblical and evangelical leaders to impact our world. James mentors younger pastors and conducts training for individuals and churches.”
(Quoted from the website of Trinity Presbyterian Church, in Montgomery, AL.)
James' Story
In the Fall of 1977, at Jackson State University, I worked as a resident assistant to the football team. After becoming discouraged and depressed from all the wild living, parties, immorality and loneliness, I decided to take my own life. I made an appointment with death at 6pm, for the next day.
My plan was to take a bottle of pills, drink a 6-pack of beer and go to sleep. With a tear in my eye, I said “God, if you are up there, please do something for me!” First thing the next morning, Dave DeHuff walked into the football dorm and said that he would like to talk to the men about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
I immediately thought to myself, “I wish he would talk to me!” And then, he said those words, “I would like to talk to you.” At that point, I thought, “Who told him that?” As a result, he set up an appointment to talk to me the next day at 2pm, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with me. So my testimony is, I made an appointment for death, but God made an appointment with me for life. So on October 29, 1977, about 3am, I got on my knees and said “Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Make me who you want me to be.” I knew from that night to this very day three things, that I’ve been absolutely sure of: 1) I’m going to heaven when I die 2) I will see my mom again, and 3) I need to tell everyone that I can about this great love that God has given to me!
Our strategy for campus evangelism

Students to join us in following Jesus with all of their hearts , minds, souls and strength: and to love their neighbors, as they love themselves.

Students through Campus Link (Bible) Discovery Groups and future teaching videos on this website, to learn sound Biblical teaching for their personal growth and maturity.

Students to get trained in The PEERS Strategy of Discipleship to create future influencers on their campuses; in their future occupations and in their calling to glorify God forever.
How to get involved:
If you are a student and you would like to get involved in our Campus Link Bible Discovery Group or you would be interested in one to one discipleship, send an email stating your interest to curemontgomery@outlook.com.
If you would like to join our prayer team; be considered for volunteer services and or receive our prayer request and news updates, send an email to James Williams at curemontgomery@outlook.com.
If you would like to give, please make your check payable to CURE Gospel Movement and mail to:
CURE Gospel Movement
3175 Rolling Rolling Road
Montgomery, AL 36111